Music Ministries
“Sing to the LORD a new song … make music to the LORD” (Psalm 98 NIV)
We have a vibrant and varied worship life here at Chapel of the Cross. And a vibrant worship life means vibrant music. We are so blessed with talented musicians at Chapel — voices and instruments. We would love for you to be involved with our musical efforts. Just contact the office for more information and to get plugged in!

Adult Choir
This is our mixed-voice adult Choir (Soprano-Alto-Tenor-Bass) which meets on Thursday evenings from 6:30 until 8:00 p.m. (unless the relentless director holds them late!). We welcome new choir members at all times! You don’t need to have a solo voice — just a love of singing to the Lord with other brothers and sisters. The Chapel choir sings approximately two Sundays per month.
Chapel Bell Choir
We are a multi-octave bell choir. Our 12 members provide music for our worship services approximately on Sunday per month AND many special occasions. The Bell Choir also meets on Thursday evenings from 5:30 until 6:30. Phyllis Carter is our Bell Choir director
If you play an instrument, your musical offering will also be welcome. We have many people, both young and old, playing for the Lord. There are brass instruments (Trumpet and French Horn), violins, flutes, and guitars, to name a few. Just talk to our music director, George Nelson, to schedule your offering.